Certification Application
Please fill out this form and click submit.
This address will receive a confirmation email
Country of Residence.
If you are in the USA, please select your region or church.
Please select one option.
East Coast
West Coast
Church - Bushnell
Church - Metro Atlanta
Affiliate Church - Oceanside
If you reside in the United States, what is your state or territory of residence.
Select the following that you have completed.
Please select all that apply.
Watched all of the deliverance videos
Watched all of the Certification videos
Read every occurrence of deliverance in the Bible
Researched every place in the Bible that uses the word freedom
Select all that you are actively participating in.
Please select all that apply.
Apostle's weekly discipleship calls
Prophetic Tuesdays calls
Regional calls
Healing and Deliverance calls
How long have you been a part of TSNL?
Do you consider TSNL your covering?
Please select one option.
How long have you been a born again Christian?
Have you been baptized in the Holy Spirit?
Please select one option.
If yes, how long have you been baptized in the Holy Spirit?
Have you been baptized in water?
Please select one option.
Why do you want to be certified?
Select all of the areas that you are willing to serve in as a Certified forerunner.
Please select all that apply.
Ministry zoom calls
In-person deliverances at ministry outings
In-person deliverances at revivals
Why is it important to serve with the right heart posture?
Select your current employment status.
Please select one option.
If employed, please explain the health of your work environment and your relationship with your co-workers.
What is your weekly availability to serve on ministry calls?
Select which of the following you are called to in this season.
Please select one option.
Start a minstry of your own
Serve in a ministry
Are you currently leading a ministry of your own?
Please select one option.
Are you currently serving in another ministry? If yes, how do you plan to balance serving within TSNL and the other ministry.
Please explain the Gospel below.
Please list the fruits of the Spirit.
Explain why the fruits of the Spirit are important.
How often to do study the word?
Please select one option.
A few times a week
A few times a month
I can't remember the last time I read the bible
What have you been studying in the word this week? Please include scriptures of your study and two things the Lord has taught you through this study.
What is the importance of fasting?
How often do you fast?
Please select one option.
When I feel lead too
I have never fasted
How do you know when it's time for you to fast?
How often do you spend time in the secret place?
Please select one option.
A few times a week
A few times a month
I don't remember the last time
Select which prophetic personality you primarily identify with.
Please select one option.
Please explain why you primarily identify with your selected prophetic personality.
Share a time in the secret place where God spoke to you through your primary prophetic personality.
Relationship Status
Please select one option.
If single or courting, what boundaries do you implement in your daily life to ensure you are honoring God in your singleness or courtship.
If married, how would you rate the health of your marriage on a scale of 1-10. Please explain your rating.
Select all that apply to your marriage:
Please select all that apply.
Pray together
Study the Word together
Healthy sex life
Prioritize quality time together
Healthy communication
Operating in unity
If married, is your marriage currently experience problems? Ie infidentlity, abuse of any form, unresolved conflicts? If Yes, please explain.
If separated, please indicate the reason for the separation.
If separated, do you and/or your spouse desire reconciliation and why?
If divorced, have you taken the time to grieve and heal from your failed marriage? If yes, please share your experience in your grieving and healing process.
Do you have children?
Please select one option.
If yes, how would you rate the health of your relationship with your children on a scale of 1-10. Please explain your rating.
How would you rate the health of your relationship with your parents on a scale of 1-10. Please explain the reason for the rating.
Please list all the individuals currently living in your household. Indicate the name of everyone and your relationship to them.
Rate the health of your household on a scale of 1-10. Please scale each individual.
Explain your rating.
Are you currently harboring unforgiveness towards anyone? If yes, please indicate who and why.
Are you currently harboring offense towards anyone? If yes, please indicate who and why.
Are you actively participating in secret sin? ie masturbation, pornography, drug use, adultery, alcoholism, etc. If applicable, please explain your struggle.
Where is your biggest battle in this season? ie anxiety, trauma, etc
Do you feel you are currently ready to become a certified forerunner?
Please select one option.
Please explain your answer.
Please fill out this form and click submit.
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